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Update of 28 September 1997
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There is no single reference repository for science fiction and fantasy poetry history, magazines, classical and contemporary books, organizations, and articles. Steve Sneyd points out (5 Sep 97) that "while I agree that there isn't a single repository, the SF Foundation Library at the University of Liverpool is trying, with limited resources, to maximize its SF poetry holdings (relevant donations of material always welcome)." Selected references in some of these categories are listed below.

6.1 Books

Scott E. Green has published the single essential reference book in this field: Contemporary Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror Poetry: A Resource Guide and Biographical Directory, Westport CT: Greenwood Press, 1989. This article owes a lot to Scott's research. The 2nd Edition of The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction, ed. Peter Nicholls, John Clute, and Brian Stableford [London: MacDonald & New York: St.Martin's Press, 1993] has an article of science fiction poetry by Robert Frazier (?) The Poetic Fantastic: Studies in an Evolving Genre, ed. Patrick D. Murphy and Vernon Hyles, Contributions to the Study of Science Fiction and Fantasy, No.40, series editor Marshall Tymn [Westport CT: Greenwood Press, Dec. 1989, cloth]. Steve Sneyd is compiling a science fiction and fantasy poetry index for British and American authors, published so far a Briefly Mentioned: Orbiting a Data Dump, Vols. 1-14, Almondbury, England. Elissa Malcohn has inventoried science fiction and fanstasy poems for theme, style, structure, key-words, and related aspects. Elissa, by 1984, indexed the first five years of Star*Line, covering 850 items, including 358 poems by 123 writers. Poets of the Fantastic, ed. XXX, [Norfolk VA: Grubb Pubs., 1992 (?], includes a brief history of the roots of Fantasy Poetry. Science and English Poetry: A Historical Sketch 1590-1950, Douglas Bush, New York: Oxford University Press, 1950, (the 1949 Patten Lectures, Indiana University)]; John Donne: Life, Mind, and Art, John Carey [New York: Oxford University Press, 1981, Chapter 4]: Donne knew little mathematics but used what he did know in his metaphors. Newton among Poets: Shelley's Use of Science in Prometheus Unbound, Carl H. Grabo [New York: Coopers Square, 1968]. The High Firmament, A.J. Meadows [Leicester, 1969], "has ably documented the influence of astronomy on English literature through the Victorean Age." Poetry and Mathematics, Scott M. Buchanan [J.B. Lippincott, 1962]. La LittÄrature Potentielle, Oulipo, Folio Essais 95, [Paris: Gallimard, 1973]. Atlas de la LittÄrature Potentielle, Oulipo, Folio Essais 109, [Paris: Gallimard, 1981]. Mathematics in Western Culture, M. Kline, [Oxford University Press, 1953] includes an account of Isaac Newton's influence on Poetry. To Infinity and Beyond, E. Maor, [Basel: Boston-Birkhauser, 1987] includes account of how progress in mathematics (especially the development of non-Euclidean geometry and the mastering of infininty) passionately attracted writers and poets. Francois Le Lionnais wrote on the beauty of mathematics in Les Grands Courants de la Pensee Mathematique, [Paris: Cahiers de Sud, 1948] freqently using poetry to illustrate and emphasize his ideas, especially Novalis ("Algebra is poetry") and Henri Michaux. Readings in Science and Literature, Joan Digby & Bob Brier, eds., [New York: Quill (William Morrow), 1985]. The Act of Creation: A Study of the Conscious and Unconscious in Science and Art, Arthur Koestler, [New York: MacMillan, 1964; New York: Dell, 1967]. The "Scientific Movement" and Victorean Literature, Tess Cosslett, [UK: Harvester, 1983]; The late scholar and publisher Roy A. Squires, in a letter to me of 13 April 1984, suggested the following 8 books on the relationship between poetry and science, each of which touch on the subjects we have been discussing in Science Fiction and fantasy Poetry: Literature and Science, B. Ifor Evans [London: George Allen & Unwin, 1954], [the early days of the Royal Society, Wordsworth, Coleridge] Scientific Thought in Poetry, Ralph B. Crum, Columbia University Press, 1931, ["... the effect of science on the ideas of several poets are discussed...", Pre-Newtonians, Newton, Goethe, Tennyson, and a chapter entitled "Reason or Mysticism"] The Apple and the Spectroscope, being Lectures on Poetry designed (in the main) for Science Students, T.R. Henn, [London: Methuen, 1851] The Breaking of the Circle: Studies in the Effect of the "New Science" upon Seventeenth-Century Poetry, Marjorie Hope Nicolson (who seems to have made a career on this subject, mostly at Columbia University), [Revised Edition, Columbia University Press, 1960] Mountain Gloom and Mountain Glory: The Development of the Aesthetics of the Infinite, Marjorie Hope Nicolson [Columbia University Press, 1959] [more pertinent than sub-title] Newton Demands the Muse: Newton's Opticks and the Eighteenth Century Poets, Marjorie Hope Nicolson, [Princeton University Press, 1946] Science and Imagination, Marjorie Hope Nicolson, [Great Seal Books, Cornell University Press, 1956 & 1962], [discusses some poetry along with prose] Voyages to the Moon, Marjorie Hope Nicolson, [New York: Macmillan, 1948] [relatively early study of interplanetary fiction; it treats some poets from her earlier books] New! "Star-Spangled Shadows: Poetry in American Fanzines -- The 1930s to 1960s", Steve Sneyd, also known as "Data Dump 15/16", ISBN 0-905262-13-1; in the USA, order by mail to NSFA, 31192 Paseo Amapola, San Juan Capistrano, California 92675-2227, send check for $5.00 payable to A. Marsden, allow 28 days for delivery; in the U.K., send 1.95 Pounds payable to Steve Sneyd, Hilltop Press, 4 Nowell Place, Almondbury, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire HD5 8PB; described by Steve Sneyd as "the first-ever detailed overview of a fascinating time in genre poetry when top pros and editors like Blish, Knight, Kornbluth, Lowndes, Pohl and Wollheim published their poetry in fanzines, and Lovecraft's work got its opportunity to become a cult. Includes A-Z of people and publications, historical context including Pulps, Filk, etc., plus extracts of poems and editorials of the time." New! "Fierce Far Suns", Steve Sneyd, also known as "Data Dump 19/20", ISBN 0-905262-14-X; in the USA, order by mail to NSFA, 31192 Paseo Amapola, San Juan Capistrano, California 92675-2227, send check for $5.50 payable to A. Marsden, allow 28 days for delivery; in the U.K., send 1.95 Pounds + 20 p P&P payable to Steve Sneyd, Hilltop Press, 4 Nowell Place, Almondbury, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire HD5 8PB; described by Steve Sneyd as "Franklin, Poe, Whitman -- from the beginning there were poets in America looking outward to people the far reaches of space. There were darker visions, too, of beings from Out There distorting earthly life. This book brings you an overview of proto-SF and SF poetry in the States from before the Revolution to Lovecraft and on to the 1960s." New! "Flights from the Iron Moon: Genre Poetry in UK Fanzines and Little Magazines, 1980-1989", Steve Sneyd, in the USA, order by mail to NSFA, 31192 Paseo Amapola, San Juan Capistrano, California 92675-2227, send check for $6.00 payable to A. Marsden, allow 28 days for delivery; in the U.K., send 2.50 Pounds payable to Steve Sneyd, Hilltop Press, 4 Nowell Place, Almondbury, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire HD5 8PB; described by Steve Sneyd as "A look back at genre poetry in UK Fanzines and Little Magazines of the 1980s. 128 pages of information, extracts and histories from a period of intense fanzine and small press activity, along with extracts from the poems themselves.... an ideal tool for the historian and the researcher alike. Limited edition -- order now to avoid disappointment."

6.2 Organizations & Awards

The central organization in the field is SFPA: the Science Fiction Poetry Association, founded by Suzette Haden Elgin in 1977. SFPA publishes the semimonthly newsletter Star*Line, awards (since 1978) the Rhysling Awards (for best Short and Long Speculative Poem of the Year), and publishes (since 1983) the Rhysling Anthologies of award-nominated poems. For SFPA membership, as of 1994: Mike Arnzen, Sec./Treasurer, P.O. Box 3712, Moscow, ID 83843-1916. SFWA, the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, at one time granted Active Membership for science fiction and fantasy poets' work in verse (Jonathan Vos Post, Scott E. Green, Gene Van Troyer) but has drifted into an anti-poetry era. Science Fiction poems can be nominated for Nebula Awards, but only within the Short Story Category. The Nebula Awards Anthology often includes Rhysling Award poems. Jonathan Vos Post and Gene Van Troyer head SFWA's Special Interest Group in Poetry (SFWAsigPO), which is preparing to issue its own awards, and (for $10 annual membership) has its own newsletter, of which the reference book manuscript you are now reading consitutes Issue #0. There were Odyssey Science Fiction Poetry Awards in 1988, xxxx, from yyyyy. There were International Clark Ashton Smith Poetry Awards, from 1978 to 1985, in the categories of (1) overall achievement award, (2) science fiction poet, (3) fantasy poet, (4) book or anthology, and (5) overseas poet. The World Fantasy Awards have included poems as finalists, and once as the winner in the short story category (John M. Ford, xxxxxxxxx, 19xxxxxxx). Balrog Awards included a poetry category for general achievement, 1978-1984. The Kelly Award of the Small Press Writers and Artists Organization (SPWAO) includes a poetry award for general achievement in each year.

6.3 Articles

149 significant articles about science fiction, fantasy, and speculative poetry include:
  1. Duane Ackerson, "The Return of the Future: Science Fiction and Recent Poetry", Edge #5/6, New Zealand: Edge Press, 1973;
  2. Dick Allen, "What Rough Beast: SF Poetry", Extrapolation, Vol.17, No.1, Dec. 1975;
  3. Michael A. Arnzen, interview with Ree Young, Star*Line, Vol.13, No.2, Mar/Apr.1990;
  4. Michael A. Arnzen, interview with Frank Herbert's son Brian Herbert (including discussion of forthcoming Frank Herbert posthumous poetry collection), Star*Line, Vol.13, No.6, Nov/Dec.1990;
  5. Michael A. Arnzen, "Horror Haiku, Star*Line, Vol.14, No.2, Mar/Apr.1991;
  6. Isaac Asimov, 5-page editorial on Science Fiction Poetry, Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, Mar.1981; later reported in Star*Line;
  7. K. V. Bailey, "Mars is a District of Sheffield", Foundation No.68, Autumn 1996, springs from Andrew Darlington's poem of the same title, explores Mars as a "metaphoric mirror" for writers of the imagination;
  8. Lee Ballentine, "What is Speculative Poetry?", Mountain View CA: Ocean View Press, 1989;
  9. Lee Ballentine, "What is Speculative Poetry? An Opinion", Star*Line, Vol.8, No.4, 1985;
  10. Douglas Barbour, "Some Thoughts on Science Fiction & Poetry", Arc #1, Canada, 1977;
  11. Douglas Barbour, "Some Thoughts on Science Fiction & Poetry", Portland Review, Science Fiction Poetry Issue, Vol.27, No.2, pp.53-54 [reprinted from previous reference];
  12. Bruce Boston, "An Interview with Andrew Joron, Science Fiction Poet", Scavenger's Newsletter, No.54, Aug.1988;
  13. Arlene Brennan, "The Russian Enigma" on Pyotr Levinsky, Star*Line, Vol.9, No.6, 1986;
  14. Mary T. Brizzi, "Bradbury, LeGuin, Farmer: Some Parameters of Speculative Poetry", Proceedings, 1978 National Conf. Science Fiction Research Assoc.;
  15. David R. Bunch, "Why I Write Science Fiction Poetry -- Part I", Star*Line, Vol.14, No.1, Jan/Feb.1991; Part II in Vol.14, No.3, 1991; includes attack on blinkered critics/poets and "Bad Science";
  16. Margaret M. Byard, "Poetic Responses to the Copernican Revolution", Scientific American, June 1977, pp.121-??
  17. Christopher Clausen, traces influence of G.K.Chesterton's poem "The Ballad of the White Horse" on Lord of the Rings, South Atlantic Bulletin, No.39, 1974;
  18. Michael R. Collings, "Lewis after Milton: A Sense of Direction for Science Fiction Poetry", Star*Line, Vol.6, No.6, Nov-Dec 1983, pp.6-8;
  19. Michael R. Collings, "Starshine and Stanzas: Poetry in the SF Community", Short Form, No.2, Feb. 1988, pp.27-40 [review article];
  20. Michael R. Collings, "Dialogues by Starlight: Three Approaches to Writing SF Poetry", The Leading Edge, Brigham Young University, No.18, Jan. 1989, pp.74-82. Revised in The Poetic Fantastic: Studies in an Evolving Genre, ed. Patrick D. Murphy and vernon Hyles, Contributions to the Study of Science Fiction and Fantasy, No.40, series editor Marshall Tymn, Westport CT: Greenwood Press, Dec. 1989, cloth, pp.159-170.
  21. Michael R. Collings, "New Words for New Worlds: Notes Toward an Anti-Definition of Science Fiction Poetry", New York Review of Science Fiction, No.17, Jan. 1990, pp.14-16;
  22. Michael R. Collings, "The Radiating Pencils of His Bones: The Poetry of Stephen King", The Shape Under the Sheet: The Complete Stephen King Encyclopedia, ed. Stephen Spignesi, Ann Arbor MI: Popular Culture, Ink., May 1991, hardcover, pp.627-632; reprinted in The Stephen King Encyclopedia, Stephen Spignesi, 1992, hardcover; reprinted in The Shape Under the Sheet: The Complete Stephen King Encyclopedia, ed. Stephen Spignesi, Overlook Connection, 1992, hardcover, signed, boxed, limited edition.
  23. Michael R. Collings, "Quantum Memories: Notes Toward an Anti-Definition of Science Fiction Poetry", The Leading Edge, Brigham Young University, No.24, Sep. 1991, pp.102-111;
  24. Michael R. Collings, "Foreword: Keith Allen Daniels -- Music, Mastery, and Imagination", What Rough Book: Dark Poems and Light, Keith Allen Daniels, Clute TX: Anamnesis Press, Jan. 1992, paper, 144 pp., pp.13-15, 1st edition of 1000 copies;
  25. Marian Crane, "The Language of Amazement: Poetry in Science Fiction and Fantasy", on SF professionals who include poetry in novels, Scavenger's Newsletter, No.80, Oct.1990;
  26. M .E. Counselman, interview with poetess whose genre poems appear in pulps, Saturday Evening Post, etc., Star*Line, Vol.5, No.1, 1982;
  27. J. V. Cunningham, "Meditation on Statistical Method", in Mark Strand (ed.), Contemporary American Poets, New York: New American Library, 1969;
  28. Keith Allen Daniels, "SF Poetry gathering at the 1996 World Science Fiction Convention (LACon III), Star*Line, Vol.19, No.6, Nov/Dec 1996, Tuscaloosa, Alabama; brief report of the poetry panel he organized there, with participants including himself, Joe Haldeman, and Jonathan Vos Post;
  29. Harry Davidov, Tom Digby, and Jonathan Vos Post, excerpts from transcript of KPFK-FM radio "Hour 25" segment on SF Poetry, Star*Line, Vol9, No.3, 1986;
  30. Peter Dillingham, "Science Factual, Science Figurative, Science Fictional Poetry", Cthulhu Calls, Northwest Community College, 1976; reprinted in Star*Line, Vol.1, No.3, Mar.1978;
  31. Thomas M. Disch, article-length review of Frederick Turner's The New World: An Epic Poem, Foundation, No.36, United Kingdom, 1985;
  32. Roger Dutcher, "The Cover Letter: A Subjective Opinion", Star*Line, Vol.6, No.3, May/Jun.1983;
  33. Suzette Haden Elgin, "How Do You Know It's a Science Fiction Poem?", Star*Line, Vol.1, No.1, 1978;
  34. Suzette Haden Elgin, "Metrics", Star*Line, Vol.1, No.2, Feb.1978; reprised in Vol.1, No.12, Sec.1978;
  35. Suzette Haden Elgin, "Through the Old Credibility Gap, Even", Star*Line, Vol.1, No.5, 1978;
  36. Suzette Haden Elgin, "Introduction to Generative Metrics", Star*Line, Vol.2, No.3, Mar.1979;
  37. Suzette Haden Elgin, "Developing the Phantom Constituent", Star*Line, Vol.2, No.11, Nov.1979;
  38. Suzette Haden Elgin, "Informal Introduction to Doing SF Poetry Workshops", Star*Line, Vol.3, No.1, Jan/Feb.1980;
  39. Suzette Haden Elgin, "Re the ClichÄ", Star*Line, Vol.3, No.2, Mar/Apr.1980;
  40. Suzette Haden Elgin, "Science Poetry: A Rebuttal" response to J. V.Post 3-part article, Star*Line, Vol.6, No.3, May/Jun.1983;
  41. Suzette Haden Elgin, "The Music of the Spheres" on Filk (SF Folk Song), Star*Line, Vol.7, No.3, May/Jun.1984;
  42. Suzette Haden Elgin, "Reflections in the Silvered Glass", Portland Review, Science Fiction Poetry Issue, Vol.27, No.2, pp.53-54;
  43. G. P. Elliott, "Science and the Profession of Literature", Atlantic, Vol.228 (Oct 1971) pp.105-107;
  44. Steve Eng, "Ghost Riders from Germany: An Early Phase of Fantasy Poetry", Portland Review, Science Fiction Poetry Issue, Vol.27, No.2, pp.47-48;
  45. Steve Eng, untitled letter of tribute/biography of Stanton Coblentz, providing a context for the "Stellar Poetry" movement of Coblentz and Lilith Lorraine, Fantasy Commentator, Vol.5, No.2, p.144, 1984;
  46. M. J. Engh, "Science Fiction Poetry: A Rejoinder" to Andrew Joron's article in Vol.11, No.5/6, Star*Line, Vol.12, No.2, Mar/Apr.1989;
  47. M. J. Engh, "A Rejoinder to the Rejoinder to the Rejoinder", Star*Line, Vol.12, No.4, July/Aug.1989;
  48. John Fairfax, "Introduction", Frontier of Going: An Anthology of Space Poetry, ed. John Fairfax, London: Panther, 1969;
  49. H. R. Felgenhauer, detailed review of Jospeh Pyne Brennan's 1985 Sixty Selected Poems, Fantasy Commentator, Vol.7, No.1, 1990;
  50. Robert Frazier, "Poetry in the Major SF Novel", Speculative Poetry Review #2, 1977;
  51. Robert Frazier, "Cygnus-X, Meta 4" on plot methodology & metaphor, Star*Line, Vol.1, No.3, Mar.1978;
  52. Robert Frazier, "Modern Metaphor = Object Metaphor", Star*Line, Vol.1, No.4, Apr.1978;
  53. Robert Frazier, "Groping for the Light" attempts to define SF, Star*Line, Vol.1, No.9, 1978;
  54. Robert Frazier, "Composting Ideas for Speculative Verse" regarding his "idea Box", Star*Line, Vol.4, No.3, May/Jun.1981;
  55. Robert Frazier, "Not Just for Bears" interview with Bruce Boston, Star*Line, Vol.6, No.1, 1983;
  56. Robert Frazier, "A Window on Michael Bishop", interview including poetry, T.A.S.P., No.3, 1978;
  57. Robert Frazier, "The Unconscious Inspiration" on how to find images for SF poetry, Star*Line, Vol.10, No.3, May/Jun.1987;
  58. Robert Frazier, "Original Light -- Our Rhyslings" commentary on the awards' 10th year, Star*Line, Vol.10, No.5, Sep/Oct.1987; reprinted from Foundation, No.39, Spring 1987, United Kingdom, where it was titled "Original Light: The Rhysling Awards and Genre Poetry";
  59. Robert Frazier & Terry Hansen, "A Silent Evolution: Speculative Verse (A History)", PSFQ, No.5, 1981; a version also in The SF Book of Facts, ed. Fred Saberhagen, New York: Ace, 1976
  60. Robert Frazier, "Poetry & the Future: The Mapless World Beyond", Portland Review, Science Fiction Poetry Issue, Vol.27, No.2, pp.46-74
  61. Robert Frazier, "Speculative Poetry: Selected Resources", Portland Review, Science Fiction Poetry Issue, Vol.27, No.2, p.64 [the source of 13 of the references here; and items on anthologies, magazines, and author collections usefully assimilated into this entire article];
  62. Robert Frazier & Gene Van Troyer, "Airing the SF Poem, Part I", transcript of the SF Poetry Radio Show interview at Denvention, Star*Line, Vol.7, No.1, Jan/Feb.1984; Part II in Vol.7, No.2, 1984; Part II in Vol.7, No.3, 1984;
  63. Jim Gall, "Desk Top Poetry" on promotion/publicity, Star*Line, Vol.13, No.1, Jan/Feb.1990;
  64. T[ess] Gallagher, "Poetry as Time Machine", Atlantic, Vol.245 May 1980, pp.70-75;
  65. Terry A. Garey, "The Persnicketiness of Communication", reprinted from Aurora, on problems for feminist SF verse, Star*Line, Vol.4, No.6, Nov/Dec.1981;
  66. Michael T. Ghiselin, "Poetic Biology: A Defense and Manifesto", New Literary History, Vol.7, No.3, Spring 1976;
  67. Robert Graves, "A Poet's Investigation of Science", Saturday Review, 7 Dec 1963;
  68. Scott Green, brief tribute to Isaac Asimov as a poet, Star*Line, Vol.15, No.4, July/Aug.1992;
  69. Stephen Gregg (editor of Eternity SF), "The Hugo Awards and Poetry", Cthulhu Calls, Vol.3, No.3, Jan.1976;
  70. JoAnne S. Growney, "Mathematics and Poetry: Isolated or Integrated?", Humanistic Mathematics Newsletter, No.6, May 1991, pp.60-69, ed. Alvin White, Harvey Mudd College, Claremont CA 91711
  71. Elissa L.A. Hamilton, "The Muse as Pilgrim: SF Imagery in the Poetry of Dianne Wakoski, Margaret Atwood, Marge Piercy, Part I", Star*Line, Vol.5, No.2, 1982; Part II in No.5, 1982; Part III in No.6, 1982;
  72. Elissa L.A. Hamilton, "Being There: Relationships Between Planetarium Technique & Astronomical Poetry, or How to Make the Heavens Move with Vision", Star*Line, Vol.6, No.1, Jan/Feb.1983;
  73. Elissa Hamilton: see also Elissa Malcohn;
  74. William T. Hamilton, Otterbein College, "The Scientist as Poet: Reflections on Darwin's Use of Metaphor", Proceedings, 26th International Technical Communication Conference, San Diego CA: Univelt, 1979;
  75. John Heath-Stubbs and Phillips Salman, "Introduction", Poems of Science, London: Penguin, 1984, pp.17-37;
  76. Andrew Joron, "Recent Speculative Poetry Works by Mainstream Poets: A Polemical Review, Part I", Star*Line, Vol.2, No.4/5, 1979; "... Part II", Vol.2, No.6, 1979;
  77. Andrew Joron, "Is This Poetry Or Is This Science Fiction: An Enquiry", Portland Review, Science Fiction Poetry Issue, Vol.27, No.2, pp.49-50;
  78. Andrew Joron, "On the Nature of SF Poetry", Synergy , ed. George Zebrowski, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1987;
  79. Andrew Joron, "SF Poetry: A New Genre", Synergy 2, ed. George Zebrowski, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1988; reprinted from Star*Line, Vol.11, No.5/6, 1988;
  80. Andrew Joron, "Poe & Isis: A Rejoinder to Engh" re: M.J. Engh's rejoinder in Vol.12, No.2, Star*Line, Vol.12, No.3, May/Jun.1989;
  81. Andrew Joron, "A Poetics of the Inhuman", Talisman, No.11, Hoboken NJ, Fall 1993;
  82. S. T. Joshi, ed., H.P. Lovecraft: Four Decades of Criticism, includes Scott's article "A Paragraph on Lovecraft as a Poet" speculating on Edgar Arlington Robinson influence, Ohio University Press, 1980;
  83. S. T. Joshi, article on H.P. Lovecraft's poetry, AKLO, No.4, United Kingdom, 1991;
  84. Joseph Kastner, "The Runcible Life and Works of the Remarkable Edward Lear", Smithsonian (?), pp.107-117, date?, the nonsense poet was a naturalist-painter qua Audobon;
  85. David Knight, "Chemistry and Poetic Imagery", Chemistry in Britain, July 1983
  86. D. O. Koehler, "Mathematics and Literature", Mathematics Magazine 55 (1982), pp.81-95;
  87. David Kopaska-Merkel, "You'll Be Sorry If You Send That There" on risky work to undiscerning editors, Star*Line, Vol.12, No.1, Jan/Feb.1989;
  88. David Langford, "Wisdom of the Ancients", stylistic/marketing advice based on Lewis Carroll's 1869 poem "Poeta Fit, Non Nascitur", Australian SF Review, No.6, 1989;
  89. Trevor Levere, "Poetry Realised in Nature", New Scientist, 1 April 1982, p.37
  90. John S. Lew (Mathematical Sciences Dept., IBM Research Division, T. J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY), "Mathematical References in Literature", Humanistic Mathematics Newsletter, No.7, April 1992, pp.26-47, Harvey Mudd College, Claremont CA 91711; indexes collections, novels, plays, general nonfiction and short stories, remarks, Science Fiction short stories, POEMS, real mathematicians in literary works, autobiographical memoirs, films, and songs;
  91. Edward Lucie-Smith, "Introduction", Holding Your Eight Hands , New York: Doubleday, 1969;
  92. Warren A. McNeill, "Cabellian Harmonics: Contrapuntal Prose in James Branch Cabell", examines in detail 15 poems "lightly disguised as Heightened Dramatic Speeches" in Figures of Earth, Kalki, ed. James Blish, various issues 1970-1974;
  93. Elissa Malcohn: see also Elissa L.A. Hamilton;
  94. Elissa Malcohn, "Music of the Industrial Spheres" on SF in the Hit Parade, Star*Line, Vol7, No.2, Mar/Apr.1984;
  95. Elissa Malcohn, "What I Didn't Do On My Summer Vacation -- Or Perceptions A La Mode", Star*Line, Vo.8, No.5, 1985;
  96. Laurence A. Marschall, "Modern Poetry and Astronomy", Mercury, March-April 1983, pp.41-44;
  97. Michael Marsh, "The Unchronicled Notes" on SF Haiku, Star*Line, Vol.6, No.5, Sep/Oct.1983;
  98. Margaret Masterman, "Computerized Haiku", in Cybernetics, Art and Ideas, ed. Jasia Reichardt, Greenwich CT: New York Graphic Society Ltd., 1971, pp.175-183;
  99. Frederick J. Mayer, "Ray Bradbury -- Poet" incorporates interview, T.A.S.P., No.3, 1978;
  100. Frederick J. Mayer, "Manifesto" questioning rules, Star*Line, Vol.2, No.3, Mar.1979;
  101. Ignatz Mees, "Poetry Redshifts the SF Paradigm", Science Fiction Eye, No.12, Summer, 1993;
  102. Jonathan Vos Post, "Science Poems -- Excerpt from a Critical Book in Progress, Part I", Star*Line, Vol.6, No.1, Jan/Feb 1983, pp.8-15
  103. Jonathan Vos Post, "Science Poems -- Excerpt from a Critical Book in Progress, Part II", Star*Line, Vol.6, No.2, Mar/Apr 1983, pp.10-15
  104. Jonathan Vos Post, "Science Poems -- Excerpt from a Critical Book in Progress, Part III", Star*Line, Vol.6, No.3, May/Jun 1983, pp.4-10
  105. Jonathan Vos Post, "Beyond Natural Language: Notes on Poetry and AI", Proceedings of the International Conference of the Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing, San Francisco, CA, paper presented April 1983;
  106. Jonathan Vos Post, "Poetry and Exobiology", presented at Contact: Cultures of the Imagination, an interdisciplinary exobiology conference in Sacramento, CA, 27? March 1987, to appear in Proceedings eventually;
  107. Jonathan Vos Post, "A Chaotic Introduction to Infinity: What is Science Fiction & Fantasy Poetry?", Chaos:Infinity, Altadena CA: Emerald City Publishing, Second Edition, 1994, pp.1-2;
  108. Kathryn Rantala, "Gerunds", Star*Line, Vol.2, No.1, Jan.1979;
  109. Mark Rich, "Throwing Off the Prison Stoop", an overview of Bruce Boston's work which finds his "supertext" in prophecy of cataclysm and denial of world-as-it-is, The Magazine of Speculative Poetry, 1987; Andrew Joron analysed this article in Star*Line, Vol.10, No.2;
  110. Mark Rich, "Distracted Considerations of a Question -- Is Speculative Poetry False Mimesis?", Star*Line, Vol.8, No.6, 1985;
  111. Mark Rich, "Self-Publishing -- Paying Pennies for your Own Thoughts", Star*Line, Vol.9, No.3, 1986;
  112. Uncle River, "Some Thoughts on Awards", Star*Line, Vol.15, No.6, Nov/Dec.1992;
  113. Neil Roberts, "Peter Redgrove: Science of the Subjective", Poetry Review, Vol.77, No.2, June 1987; an interview in the "Poetry and Science" special issue, referring to Redgrove's manifesto "The Black Goddess and the Sixth Sense" [Bloomsbury];
  114. Oliver Sacks, "The Poet of Chemistry", review of Humphry Davy: Science and Power by David Knight, Blackwell, in The New York Review of Books, 4 Nov 1993
  115. Jessica Amanda Salmonson, "The Non-Existence of 'Poetry of the Fantastic' -- A Commentary on a Theory", claiming the genre is a "device of a community", Star*Line, Vol.8, No.1, Jan/Feb.1985;
  116. Robert Schadewald, "Longfellow vs. Shortfellow", Technology Illustrated, Vol.3, No.2, Feb.1983, pp.70-71, on computer-generated poetry;
  117. Bruce Schechter, "Miroslav Holub: A Man for Two Cultures", Discover, May 1982, pp.60-64, includes translated samples of verse;
  118. Marge B. Simon, "An Interview with Keith Allen Daniels", Scavenger's Newsletter, Jan.1990;
  119. Cyril Simsa, "Discovering Karel Sys" the Czech SF Poet, Star*Line, Vol.12, No.2, Mar/Apr.1989;
  120. David Eugene Smith, "The Poetry of Mathematics and Other Essays", Scripta Mathematica, 1934;
  121. Steve Sneyd, "See the U.S.A. in a Chevrolet", pros and cons of rhyme in genre verse, Star*Line, Vol.l2, No.2, Feb.1979; reprinted in Malfunction, No.10, United Kingdom;
  122. Steve Sneyd, "Challenge -- A Prophetic Dawnsong of SF Poetry" a "post-review" of the 1950 magazine Challenge edited by Lilith Lorraine, Star*Line, Vol.11, No.2, 1988;
  123. Steve Sneyd, "Poems and Pomes -- SF Poetry in UK Fanzines -- the 30s to the 50s", Star*Line, Vol.12, Nos.5/6, Sep/Dec.1989 double issue; later reprinted in Critical Wave, No.16, May 1990, United Kingdom, in expanded form as "Rhyme Bandits -- the Frontier Years of SF Poetry";
  124. Steve Sneyd, "Capture the Wry -- The Small Press Poetry Collections of John Brunner", Star*Line, Vol.13, No.6, Nov/Dec.1990;
  125. Steve Sneyd, "It Never Occurred to Me Not to Run Poetry" interview with Michael Moorcock on poetry in New Worlds, Star*Line, Vol.15, No.1, Nov/Dec.1990;
  126. Steve Sneyd, "Poetics" from Mini-sagas to genre poems, Focus, No.23, 1991;
  127. Steve Sneyd, "The Wacky World of Widower's Wonderful Words", Tales from the Broken Drum, No.6, Jan.1991;
  128. Steve Sneyd, "100 Things You Never Knew About SF Poetry", Strange Adventures, Vol.3, No.6, July 1991;
  129. Steve Sneyd, "SF Poets Embrace Senryu", The Art of Haiku, New Hope International, Vol.15, No.6, Mar.1992;
  130. Steve Sneyd, "Return of the Rhyme Bandits" on genre poetry in U.K. fanzines, Critical Wave, No.27, Autumn 1992;
  131. Steve Sneyd, "John Michel" a "post-review" of the Futurian poet's 1938 collection Sunrise In Evening, Overspace, No.15, Dec.1992;
  132. Steve Sneyd, "Empress of the Stars", detailed article on Lilith Lorraine, Fantasy Commentator, No.43, 1992;
  133. Steve Sneyd & Steve Eng, eds., a brief history of genre poetry, including a Sneyd article on Lilith Lorraine, Poets of the Fantastic, SPWAO/Grubb, 1992;
  134. William Stafford & Gene Van Troyer, "Ambitious to Wake Up: A Conversation", in Poly, ed. Lee Ballentine, Mountain View CA: Ocean View Press, 1989;
  135. Steve Rasnic Tem, "On Defining and Not Defining Speculative Poetry", Speculative Poetry Review, No.2, 1977; later reprinted in Star*Line, Vol.2, No.10;
  136. Gene Van Troyer, "Metrics", Star*Line, Vol.1, Nos.10+11, Oct+Nov.1978;
  137. Gene Van Troyer, "The Spondee", Star*Line, Vol.2, No.2, Feb.1979;
  138. Gene Van Troyer, "Head and Heart" extract from his talk at Noreascon II SF Poetry Panel, Star*Line, Vol.4, No.2, Mar/Apr.1981;
  139. Gene Van Troyer, "The Poem in Process" showing development through a series of drafts, Star*Line, Vol.5, No.5, 1982;
  140. Gene Van Troyer, "Not for Bulk or Quick Sale" interview with Ursula K. LeGuin, Star*Line, Vol.6, No.5, Sep/Oct.1983;
  141. Gene Van Troyer, "Speaking in Tongues" on linguistic elitism and the "poetic dialect", Star*Line, Vol.7, No.2, Mar/Apr.1984; Part II in Vol.8, No.2, Mar/Apr.1985;
  142. Gene Van Troyer, "On Criticism and Science Fiction Poetry", Star*Line, Vol.4, No.6, 1984;
  143. Gene Van Troyer, "Poetry Policy and 'Common Stock'" on Interzone not using poetry, Star*Line, Vol.9, No.1, 1986;
  144. Gene van Troyer & Robert Frazier, "Defining the Beyond", Portland Review, Science Fiction Poetry Issue, Vol.27, No.2, p.61;
  145. Mark Valentine, analysis of Park Barnitz' The Book of Jade, Dagon, date?;
  146. Robert Vas Dias, "Introduction", Inside Outer Space, New York: Doubleday, 1970);
  147. Alfred Warrinnier, "Ultimately, Mathematics is Poetry", Humanistic Mathematics Newsletter, No.6, May 1991, pp.70-77, ed. Alvin White, Harvey Mudd College, Claremont CA 91711
  148. Alvin White, editor, "Poems Taken from 'An Evening of Mathematical Poetry'" [10 January 1992, National Joint Mathematics Meeting, Baltimore MD], Humanistic Mathematics Newsletter, No.7, April 1992, pp.4-23, Harvey Mudd College, Claremont CA 91711
  149. Basil Willey, "The Heroic Poem in a Scientific Age", in The Seventeenth Century Background, New York: Doubleday Anchor, 1955;
  150. Thomas Wiloch, "The Prose Poem", Star*Line, Vol.15, No.7, 1992;
  151. Lois Wingerson, "Harold Furth -- Fusion's Front Man", New Scientist, 9 Sep 1982, pp.701-704, scientist who "seemed far more likely to end up as a minor poet", won poetry awards, wrote a famous poem about Edward Teller in New Yorker, 1956;
  152. t. Winter-Damon, "The Books of Thomas Wiloch", Star*Line, Vol.13, No.1, Jan/Feb.1990;
  153. George Wise, General Electric, "Swan's Way: a Study in Style, IEEE Spectrum, April 1982, pp.66-70, on Edison's nemesis the British inventor Joseph Swan, also a poet;
  154. Billy Wolfenbarger, "Interviewing G. Sutton Breiding: A Last Romantic" regarding his poetry, Scavenger's Newsletter, Feb.1987;
  155. xxx
  156. xxx
  157. xxx
  158. xxx
[many Star*Line and other important articles indexed here per Steve Sneyd index "Datadump", a series of 20+ brochures produced in the UK: Hilltop Press, 4 Nowell Place, Almondbury, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire HD5 8PB] *** By the above (28 September 1994) listing of 149 articles, the dominant SF & F Poerty critics (by number of listed articles) would be: Michael A. Arnzen (3), Lee Ballentine (2), Douglas Barbour (2), Michael Collings (7), Suzette Haden Elgin (10), Steve Eng (2), M.J. Engh (2), Robert Frazier (13), Elissa (Hamilton) Malcohn (4), Andrew Joron (6), S.T. Joshi (2), Frederick J. Mayer (2), Jonathan Vos Post (6), Mark Rich (3), Steve Sneyd (13), Gene van Troyer (10). Of these 16 poets, special mention must go to Michael Collings (who has in some sense the greatest Academic respect), Suzette Haden Elgin (founded the SFPA and Star*Line), Robert Frazier (perhaps the most widely influential critic), Steve Sneyd (clearly dominant in the UK), and Gene Van Troyer (who combines first-rate poetry, prose, and editing).

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